Live Plants Offer                                        Live Plants Offer
Bleeding Heart Vine
also called
Glory Bower Vine
Bleeding Glory Bower
Tropical Bleeding Heart
Bag Flower
Glory Tree

Clerodendrum thomsoniae
click pic to enlarge

Now here's a great looking evergreen vine with dramatic flowers in generous clusters typically blooming from April through October/November.  Bleeding Heart vine is an excellent shade bloomer in the landscape, in a tub or stunning displayed in hanging baskets

click pic to enlarge

Related to the Beauty Berry  bush and Lantana, Bleeding Heart is powerful in color ...cream/white highlighted with a strong lipstick red

click pic to enlarge

Bleeding Heart vine holds itself by wrapping any support, so once started, further training is not needed if you'd like to get upward growth

click pic to enlarge

Maximum color is in the summer but Bleeding Heart displays some blooms all year in zone 10

North of zone 10, Bleeding Heart is excellent containers.  Bleeding Heart likes consistently moist soil and soft light.  Best outdoors is when you provide a good dose of morning sun then shade protection after about noon.  Flower quantities vary with the quality and hours of light, and leaf colors as well

click pics to enlarge

You can also grow and display your Bleeding Heart vine in pots like this...

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In pots, in hanging baskets, in tubs, Bleeding Heart is an exciting bloomer for 5-7 months year showing off it's dramatic cream/white and red flowers and with easy care for you

Folks north of South Florida who will be potting Bleeding Heart, just insure a bright indoor location during your colder months indoors.  In winter, keep your Bleeding Heart dryer than the warm months.  Mist indoors as well

Bleeding Heart vines we have for you today are happy, growing straight up and running 7-10 inches right now.  They grow fast and want to show off blooms for you at your house this summer

click pics to enlarge

You may order Bleeding Heart Vine as live plants (shown above) for only $10.00 plus $5.50 shipping and handling.  Or order several plants for baskets or pots and you save $$$

For pre-purchase PayPal information, click here

As always, complete planting and care instructions will be included in your package

Three Bleeding Heart Vines,    $28.00 total

Sold Out

Two Bleeding Heart Vines,    $22.50 total Sold Out
One Bleeding Heart Vine,     $15.50 total Sold Out

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