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Confederate Jasmine
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Confederate Jasmine is a
highly fragrant evergreen vine well suited
for indoors or in your landscape or in pots zones 8-10 This fine jasmine
scented vine is happy to bloom in partial sun to shaded conditions and
also blooms well indoors The flowers are sweetly fragrant, about 1" in diameter, 5-petaled, cream-white (with a tinge of yellow) in some blooms. In Florida we often see folks who love to decorate their mailboxes with Confederate Jasmine Or in pots in shady corners where you walk by often to take in the marvelous fragrance. The captivating star-like flowers blow sweet jasmine scents into the air at least half the year long As a vine, Confederate Jasmine can be used to cover trellises, fences, or posts but is best placed near foot-traffic where its fragrance and appearance can be frequently appreciated Confederate Jasmine is an energetic, fast growing vine that can reach 25 feet if you let it. Side shoots allow you to control width so you can cover large areas with just a few plants A close up picture tells you why Confederate Jasmine is also called Star Jasmine Confederate Jasmine is a fine climber, has no tendrils to grip, but it twists around whatever it touches (even itself). Most folks like to use a trellis or fence to display their plant Highly fragrant indoors or in pots on your porch or on your deck or patio, the leaves are very shiny deep green all year long, rarely shedding Extremely easy to care for, Confederate Jasmine wants good soil, consistent soil moisture and partial shade. It can handle cold snaps down to about 16 degrees, so warm zone 8 through all of zone 9 & 10 are fine outdoors. Indoors, anyone can have fragrance with Confederate Jasmine Some folks have even used
Confederate Jasmine as bonsai
You see the heavy amount of blooming this fragrant vine displays. Even when young in simple pots Confederate Jasmine produces an abundance of fragrant flowers, from spring throughout all the warm months. Happy plants can have some flowers 12 months a year Indoors or out, you can enjoy Confederate Jasmine. The plants we are offering are 4-7 inches long, well rooted and ready for your home, in pots or in your landscape Your plants shipping now ....some already have blooms so
you won't wait to enjoy the sweet scents
at your home
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Confederate Jasmine is
only $12.50
plus postage & packing or buy two or three and save $$$