Live plant offer
Live plant offer
Jade Vine
Philippine Jade Vine
Emerald Creeper
(in Philippine Tagalog language)
Strongylodon macrobotrys
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What should we say about the Jade Vine? Let's start with...
For you folks on this plant email list, the Jade Vine from the Philippines is among the most sought after and requested plants .....period Is it the utterly fantastic 3-foot-long blooms?Is it the color unique it seems no two photographs ever capture the same hues twice? For five years we have tried and tried to get a few Jade vines to offer...always disappointed. Now, finally, we have a small supply of this ultra rare exotic for you In cultivation, Jade vine is at its best in zone 10, in full sun but with sun protection for the roots. The Jade vine is a twining vine that grows on woody stems (see pic below) and is a climbing plant
pendulous festoons of blue green blossoms are the most spectacular when
viewed from below No other vine has blooms remotely as spectacular Rarely seen in cultivation, the aquamarine color of the Jade vine's flowers is nearly unique in the entire plant kingdom worldwide. Seen hanging amidst other foliage, the flowers are practically luminescent Today, you may order your own Jade vine but please act quickly as we only secured a few plants ...and never before had any to sell in the past five years ...orders filled strictly first-come-first-served Plants are husky in 4-inch pots and ready for you now. One Jade vine plant, super bargain priced at only $44.50 plus postage and packing For pre-purchase PayPal information, click here As always, complete planting and care instructions will be included in your package
To purchase more than one Jade Vine plant, To pay by check, please click here |