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Swiss Cheese Vine

Monstera deliciosa

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Monstera deliciosa is a very cool vine which is often called Swiss Cheese Vine

This Monstera variety is highly desired for its large evergreen leaves studded with "cheese" holes and gaps

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Monstera deliciosa is a great houseplant with tons of character, sporting a heavy duty tropical look and grows happily with minimal attention

Outdoors in warm climate zones Monstera's rich dark green leaves can be over 5 feet long and nearly as wide

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Once established, Monstera deliciosa is medium fast growing, in the wild climbing up into trees clinging with aerial roots and in trees in zones 9 and 10 outdoors

But .........because Monstera deliciosa is very happy in shade (no direct sun needed except ...some morning sun is nice), Monstera is also an excellent selection as a houseplant anywhere quite an exclusive plant

Indoors, Swiss Cheese Plant is an exclusive houseplant because very few folks have them to show off.  It won't grow as tall or as wide in leaf size indoors, but will still seriously impress anyone who sees a happy specimen at your house

Grown and displayed in pots, we suggest you use an attractive stake support to help this rambling vine upward where it wants to grow

Young plants have thinner leaves, more heart shaped than oval. As your vine matures, your Monstera's leaves grow progressively larger, ticker and more perforated

A native of the Central Americas, Swiss Cheese Plant loves shaded conditions, its leaves becoming bleached and damaged by the sun. Plant outdoors in shade in zones 9 and 10 with wind protection using highly organic soil. Water by hand to establish and keep soil on the moist side

....that's it, add a bit of food about twice a year and you have an impressive sub-tropical to enjoy for many years ...and looking better and more tropical every year you own this very fine plant

Here is a picture of a Monstera deliciosa growing up a tree in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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The name 'deliciosa' was applied by some scientist to this Monstera variety because the fruit is edible and very tasty

with the flavor of a pineapple+coconut+berry. Below are photographs of young fruit growing...

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The vine flowers with a thick, impressive, cream-colored, concentrated spadix nearly 12 inches long. The spadix then develops "berries" which taste like a very yummy pineapple

You may order this delicious Swiss Cheese Vine as healthy live plant, with a nice group of juvenile stems and leaves

They're ready now to re-plant in your pot today

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You may order your own Monstera deliciosa for only $17.00 plus postage & packing

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As always, you receive complete care info
included with your package
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2 Monstera deliciosa live plants, with postage & packing $38.00 total

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for now, sorry

One Monstera deliciosa live plant, with postage & packing $25.50 total

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