Live plants offer                                      Live plants offer

True Date Palm Wild Date Palm
Phoenix dactylifera Phoenix sylvestris

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April of 2003 you were offered True Date Palm live plants and all the plants were sold out

The good news is True Date Palm, Phoenix dactylifera, is back in stock as well as the much harder to find Wild Date Palm, Phoenix sylvestris

Phoenix dactylifera is the species known as the true date palm because it produces large delicious edible fruit, extremely important as food and embedded in many cultures

Phoenix dactylifera is the #2 most important food palm in the world, 2nd only to the Coconut palm

Notice how the fronds, which can be 20 feet long, are held high and very upright versus the common palm frond habit of drooping or an umbrella look as well as "holding" scores of fresh fronds at the head simultaneously

It is this stately unique "held high" look that appeals to almost everyone

Seen all over Florida, but more often in cooler climates including Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California as well as many other southern states.  True Date Palm is actually an arid sub-tropical native to North Africa dry climates and deserts

This is the classic oasis palm

Phoenix dactylifera is very expensive seen often in mansion landscapes and top notch commercial developments.  The reason is almost all landscape dactyliferas come from commercial groves, mature, and trucked in across country for re-planting @ typical price: of  $4,000 - $6,000 each plus planting fees added on

The dactylifera is grandiose even when young and rated very tall, between 70-100 feet in the wild. It is a clump growing palm, although it takes many years to see pups begin to form.  Foliage is a unique gray-green.  Sometimes this palm is seen with fancy trunk pruning to further enhance their majestic appearance

Maximum color is in summer when fruit matures. You need both male and female trees to set seed/fruit

Never before offered is your other fine choice: the rare Phoenix sylvestris which is native to northern India.   Common names for this Phoenix variety include Wild Date Palm, Date-sugar palm, Indian wine palm, and Khajuri

in Texas in Australia in Florida

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Although fast growing, very hardy, and adaptable, Phoenix sylvestris is virtually unseen in the USA.  To have a fine sylvestris in Florida, for example, is far less common than having a dactylifera, which it rare to see due to expense

In India, Phoenix sylvestris is prized as the source of sugar sap which is made into a strong distilled spirit

Drought and frost tolerant, Phoenix sylvestris is a very fast growing palm, rated to about 40-50 feet.  Known to handle temperatures below 19 degrees, the beautiful blue-green fronds still shine in the cold

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The fruits are also edible like the dactylifera although not as large or as many.  Extremely drought tolerant, about the only mistake you could make is over watering or selecting a poorly drained location.  Otherwise, sylvestris is carefree

Even your rich friends won't have a sylvestris so you'll have bragging rights to a rare and very fine palm

The plants we have are between 2-3 years old and finally out of the slow start growth stage.  The Dactyliferas are running 20-30 inches tall right now.  The Sylvestris are 10-12 inches.  Both palms are fat, happy and ready for your landscape now

Dactylifera Sylvestris

You may order Phoenix dactylifera and Phoenix sylvestris as healthy live plants for only $27.50 plus $6.50 shipping and handling for a total of $34.00

Limited quantities on hand, sorry

These are terrific bargains as you will enjoy a very valuable palm trees at pennies on the dollar compared to buying landscape sized trees (you literally save thousands $$$)

As always, full instructions for care will be included in your package and online

One Phoenix Dactylifera

Sold Out

One Phoenix Sylvestris

Sold Out

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